ePropulsion Evo Spirit 1.0

We got the ePropulsion in March 2021 and I have to say we could not find fault with it. It's a different league to other electric outboards we have tried.

We will regularly post more data about how we get on with it as we use it. First will be testing out the regeneration mode as soon as we are allowed to sail.

So do check back here if you are interested in how the ePropulsion gets on, who knows we might even find something wrong with it!


If you're interested in looking at ePropulsion engines here's a link to their website: http://www.epropulsion.com/


[UPDATE ] After the first season of use we remain extremely impressed with the ePropulsion outboard. The regeneration works, we tested it in episode ???  but we haven't had to use it since as we find it extremely easy to charge with our solar. It is in constant use every day but we rarely see the battery go below 50%

We get reports from other eProp users who alll sem very happy. The only case we found of a problem was someone who had bought one of the first models started getting corrosion with pain pealing off the foot. eProp exchanged this unit however so they were very happy. I think I'm right in saying that eProp have added extra anodes since the first models. Ours has no corrosion, eProp seem to be very good at taking feed-back from users and acting on it